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Moderator: lgb-fan

Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 16.05.2019, 18:01


Beitrag von airstream » 22.05.2019, 23:37

Hello to all of you! I am from Italy, and I may write in English. Otherwise I have to use Google translator from Italian to German. Please let me know what is the best for you. I had few LGB Denver & Rio Grande wagons, some tracks and a couple of Pola constructions (still in box). After 10 years I thought that I should buy some locos for them. I got a sort of sudden "fever" and in a few months I have got seven of them… Three LGB, one Pico and three Bachmann. Sure I am a newbie so my choices have been not rational but impulsive. I am running them analog on DC, I don't know if I will go on digital in future, may be not. Some have sound, some not. I will certainly need some suggestions from some of you!

Beiträge: 2027
Registriert: 16.04.2009, 09:11
Wohnort: Hettenleidelheim

Re: hello

Beitrag von sberndschemir » 25.05.2019, 10:13

Hallo (?)

Feel welcome here.
It is better to send your Messages in Google-German , I mean.

LG, Bernd
Viele Grüße aus der sonnigen Pfalz senden Bernd und Famillie,


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